Furniture & Such

Handmade custom woodworking

A set of cupboard doors in progress. Made with traditional joinery, using traditional tools.

What I find most interesting about someone is not what they do - albeit a question that I sometimes ask when being introduced to someone by a mutual other someone in an effort to make the interaction hypothetically less awkward. I find interest in the story. I’m curious about how you got here, by way of where, what hiccups led to it, and where do you want to go. I’m eager to learn about what you love, what you loathe, what you are curious about, and what you could teach. It is not what you do, although I respect anyone out there doing just that.

But sometimes it is easy to wrap up what we do into who we are. I find it can be worn as a badge of honor for those that say, with pride, “I am a…” Or maybe we are programmed into introducing ourselves as such based on perceived societal obligations? I promise you that is not one of those types of blogs.

I’ll break here and assume you are reading this blog because either you found my website, found a link somewhere, or (more likely) I told you to come here to drive more traffic to my site and help boost my SEO. I’ll also assume that you are not here to read provocative articles on humanity, existence, and the ramblings of yet another dude pontificating perspectives thought to be profound. Alliterative blogs perhaps.

You are here for the furniture. I am here because I love furniture. I love to make it, I love to explore the history of it, and I love to teach it. And I am trying to run a business as a furniture maker. Ok, back to the topic at hand.

When I get to know someone, I have a story in my head of who this person is. I can relate to it. Sometimes I’m part of the story and sometimes I’m in a classic third person narrative, simply reading along. You, the reader and hopefully someone that I can make something for, are now part of my story and who I am.

And it is important for me that you know me a little more. It is a deceptively intimate experience commissioning furniture. One that takes time, research, and trust. It is possible to get lucky the first time around - you may google furniture makers near me, click on one, and that’s it. Very good. For the person(s) trying to find that right fit, my goal is to introduce you to part of the story of my furniture, who I am, and what I do.

This blog is a place for me to introduce you to myself and what I love about what I get to do. It will be as informal as I am willing to put out to the ethereal internet world. I’ll try not to take myself too seriously unless levity is needed. I’ll cover a range of topics including news about my work, how my furniture is made, some of my favorite pieces, vignettes into the business including my logo with the wonky J (a trending topic I hear), maybe some thoughts on design, and probably a bit on my favorite topic - human evolvement in the field of woodworking. You don’t have to stay for it all, you don’t have to read it all. It is here to serve you, as you are looking for the right person to make your family table, your office desks, and your custom library complete with rolling ladder. Again, my goal is to welcome you into my story.

Because when it comes down to it, who I am and what I do are coexisting the same space. Yes I am a father, partner, indoor hat wearer, off key singer, boat rower, food maker, dish washer, introverted, congested, rather tall hobbit. However, if you catch me at a party, shake my hand, and awkwardly ask me, “what do you do?”, I’ll tell you that I am a furniture maker.

More soon, cheers.


Furniture makers near me Arizona

A floor of furniture makers, inspecting the work of yours truly (second from right).


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