Jean-Philippe Clark Furniture Maker

Meet the Maker

I love what I do,

And I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have found a career where passion, skill, and joy come together. It's not something we experience often enough, so I delight in every moment - every whiff of sawdust, and every tool sharpened.

My journey into furniture didn't start with wood - it began with simply a desire to make. As a kid, figuring out how pieces went together kept me whole. From resurrecting a wooden go-kart to making replica Lord of the Rings attire (down to the ring which I forged on a camp stove in the back yard). I even managed to erect an (unsanctioned) multi-story treehouse in the forest behind my house. However, life took me in different directions along the way, and I lost touch with my creative voice.

That spark rekindled during my time working in conservation. High up on mountains and without power tools, I was tasked with building rock steps and wooden bridges using only the tools carried in backpacks and the materials found in the landscape. This hands-on approach to making things reignited my passion for craftsmanship. It led me to hand-tooled woodworking, exploring techniques that predate electricity, and discovering the incredible things we as humans can create.

Later, as fatherhood was imminent, I dove into making wooden items for my soon to be daughter, including her crib. This project—filled with love, dedication, and countless lessons learned—solidified my commitment to furniture making. I realized that the joy of creating for others was what made this craft so special to me.

In my work, I value the intimate relationship that develops between the maker and the piece. I embrace the mistakes, cherish the lessons, and find beauty in the process. You’ll still find me picking up a plane more than a router and reaching for a handsaw over a power driven one. I am dedicated to good, honest work, taking pride in what I create with my own two hands. This commitment extends beyond the workshop—it's deeply rooted in my connection to the Flagstaff community, where I grew up, met my spouse, and welcomed my child into the world.

With that, I now return to Arizona after studying furniture design, cabinet making, and restoration in Scotland. I’m still working by hand where it counts and trying my best to plug in everything else. I'm excited to build my passion into something meaningful, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share it with you.


Jean-Philippe he/him